Sunday, October 26, 2014

Love and Fandoms - Chapter Two Part Two

WYATT (Eighth Grade)

Wimped out. Again. But at least this time he'd actually forced himself to talk to her, and she seemed happy to talk to him, too. She might have only been being polite, but most girls in school would have run away or told him to get lost, so that was something. If only Alex hadn't shown up he could have found out for sure. He didn't actually want to go to the Winter Formal — Friday nights were better spent gaming, watching TV or DVDs, and reading comics — but it was a great chance to spend time with Mandy. Or see if she had any interest rekindling their friendship. Oh well, it was probably for the best; no way would someone as pretty and cool as her want to hang out with a geeky nerd like him. Everyone in school would say the same.

He stepped around the corner of the classroom and stopped. If he was both careful and quiet, he could hear what Alex had to say. He shouldn't eavesdrop, but what if Alex only had a school question? He might still have a shot.

"No, no one's asked me yet," Mandy said. It could only be in regards to the dance.

"If I asked you, would you say yes?"

"I don't know. Are you asking?" Wyatt heard the flirty tone in her voice, and he placed his forehead against the cool bricks of the classroom wall. It would have been better to dash it against the coarse, hard surface, but a heartache was enough. He didn't need a headache on top of it.

"I need to be direct, huh? Okay. Mandy Blake, will you go to the Eighth Grade Winter Formal with me?"



Wyatt didn't hear anymore. He hurried away, anxious to be gone. He wasn't sure where his mom was teaching that day. If he was lucky, it was one of the further away school districts, and he'd beat her home. If he could get started on his homework, he'd forget all about this for now, and she wouldn't notice anything wrong. He certainly didn't want to talk about it. Kareem had been correct the first day of junior high: he had no business hanging out with someone as pretty as Mandy.

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